Comenius Project

Comenius Project


Reading Skill/Comprehension and, more recently, also literacy have been only taught by specific teachers, namely language teachers. As a consequence of that, so far, these teachers have had   the responsibility of developing the students' reading habits as well as the mastership of mother language which will enable them to acquire the skills/competences on literacy.
With this Project we intend to promote the Reading habit on the different school subjects through the cooperation among teachers by using the ICT (Information, Communication and Technology).
The use of ICT in a wider learning context will attract students who haven't acquired any Reading habits yet, as well as the proper literacy competences/skills.
This way, the purpose of this Project is to improve students' literacy in different countries through the combination of the use of ICT and the meaningful interaction among the partners (countries involved).
An "Online Reading Club", in which some books will be recommended, the promotion of opinion exchange, the promotion of " Story Telling" and an " Online Newspaper" are suggested tasks that will contribute for the students' motivation and, for sure, will enrich their knowledge by widening their   horizons through the opportunity provided by the use of computers and Internet as a way of improving the learning process.